What’s that?

Did my alter-ego post yesterday? The very calm, coffee-riddled mom who has two wonderful, perfect angels with a normal happy home? Because I was told that she apparently slipped in here and proclaimed that all was calm and happy in our house. Ha. Double HA! And then she had a lovely evening of eating burritos and brownies, crafting and gossipping with her friends? Yep, she had to have snuck in her and written while I was not looking, because our house is the EXACT opposite of calm or happy today. (I do vaguely remember the fun night last night…but it seems so long ago now!)

Emma has been in 5 (make that 6!) time-outs, been yelled at more times than I have fingers (or toes) to count on, Addie has had an hour nap (if you want to call that a nap!) and cannot control her constant crying…you looked at her? That definitely calls for a full-blown crying jag. You handed her a pink cup instead of the purple? The horror!! Must commence more screaming and some fist-pounding to emphasize true unhappiness at this unjust world!

I had visions of getting so much done today, and have barely managed to get them dressed and fed. Thankfully it is time to get them undressed and in the bath – sweet, sweet bedtime is only an hour away. If I can just hang on…

In my short little hour to pay bills, I did manage to get our taxes sent in. We owe over a $1,400 to the lovely state of Illinois. How the heck does that happen? And why, of all days, did it have to happen today?

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