Your lady of leisure…

I had intended on writing an account of our crazy, crazy chaos around the house lately. But as I sit at Starbucks sipping coffee and…wait….what?! Leisurely writing? I guess I’m not going to get too much sympathy right now. All is actually holding steady and there is a dull roar of normalcy settling on our house. We are back to a routine.

We spent all weekend deciding NOT to buy a house. I know, I know! We had clearly spent the whole week before deciding TO buy a house. But after spending 4 (straight!) hours on Sunday looking at houses, driving by houses, going to open houses…even Emma who loves going into new houses and “picking out” a new room for her…had had enough. I’m still not sure how we spent 4 hours…there really isn’t a lot out there right now. And as J. said, each house we kinda liked, there was some big “compromise” with it. Not the right school district, not really big enough, not a very nice yard, crazy price tag (you want what? for that??), and the list goes on and on….

So long story short, I am back to searching for a house to lease for a year or so, preferably in the good school district so we can just pop Em into kindergarten next year – no muss, no fuss, no extra $15K in private school fees. At least that is the plan.

We go on Thursday to register for the preschool we really like. Fingers crossed we will win the “preschool lottery” and get accepted. Okay, I’ll just say one thing…and then be done complaining. It is ridiculous to have to fight so hard to get a child into preschool! I know she will love it and it will be great for her – and I’m not even saying this because I know I’ll be weepy when she actually leaves on her first day…but, come on! It is PRESCHOOL! I have been wait-listed on 3 of the “top” preschools (apparently they teach a superior alphabet, the roman numerals and the difference between the color “moss” and just plain old “green”? I don’t know – why and how they get to be “top!”) and I was told that I really should have been on the list when I was pregnant (!) with Em. It is just plain ridiculous.

And…enough. I know most of you have already heard me rant on this subject. Just wanted one more. Now, I’m done.

But just in case you think that I am a coffee-sipping lady of leisure today, I’ll leave you with one picture that pretty aptly describes my mornings around here. Why I deserve my Starbucks today – or how I earned my Starbucks.

Yes, it is waffle – glued in with syrup.

waffle hair

0 thoughts on “Your lady of leisure…

  1. Yum, waffles! As you sit and sip, maybe you should consider adding Addie to the waiting list of preschools. I know, I know…a bit early. But…

  2. I’m kind of protesting the schools that we are “waitlisted” on…I’m thinking that if E. gets into Sunrise, then A. gets kind of grandfathered in….so we’ll be ok.

    Weird – to think next fall I could have BOTH girls in some sort of school at the same time?? What in the world would I do with all of my “leisure time!”

  3. That’s just a priceless picture. It’s 6:00 am here and a great way to start my day…I can’t stop laughing at that precious face. Care-you have your hands full with that one!

  4. Ooohh yes, the days of wearing your food. I happen to remember a particular instance when I (just me) was getting ready to come see you in Chicago for the weekend and my darling Mr. Carter used his yogurt as shampoo!! This too shall pass:o)

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