A little of this and that.

1. First of all – I didn’t get a chance to give a little shout out to J. last week. He was promoted. He is now a VP, although he has always been a ViP to us. We are proud of you, Daddy – good work!

2. In other (almost as exciting) news…my new lens came! Woo hoo! (Thanks again J., girls, and Mom & Dad – one of the best birthday presents ever!) I have been in a bit of a camera coma lately. Pretty much just “recording life,” not really “seeing it” through my camera. I ended up getting a Tamron 28-200mm Macro. I really wanted a macro lens, but also needed something between my kit lens and my 70-300mm zoom.  This lens seems to have a decent (enough for me!) macro, but some versatility as well. It isn’t too heavy and I’ve had it on my camera for the past two days and have been able to shoot all kinds of stuff. I feel like my photography mojo is back, and I want to pick up the camera to learn and experiment.

Some I shot while the girls were playing at the park tonight…




Eeeeee! So fun. I feel like a five-year old on Christmas morning! Let’s go to the park! Let’s go out into the garden. Let me get my camera!

3. J. is on the road again until tomorrow. He is presenting at a conference tomorrow morning. What does that mean to our household? Mmmm….cereal for dinner. Girls in bed early. And an uninterrupted, guiltless evening full of sewing.

4. Because when he gets back we have all kinds of TV watching to catch up on. Holy cow! We are so behind. Like an entire month behind on Lost!

5. Speaking of catching up on TV… Oh.Em.GEE! Did you see last week’s season finale of Grey’s? I won’t say anything just in case you are further behind than me…but I will just tell you, I sobbed for 10 minutes last night. We are not talking a little teary-eyed – we are talking full-on weeping. I think I scared J a little bit. He actually closed his computer so he could just hold me.

What the…? And now I feel silly, quite frankly. I mean it is A TV SHOW! And I’m not even hormonal, pregnant or postpartum. Sooo…not really sure what was going on there.

6. And speaking also of postpartum, (What? Weren’t we?) I just finished Dooce’s new book that I got for my birthday (Autographed! Niiice.  And thank you very much Jeff & Wendy!). Heather is quite possibly one of the most evocative writers of our generation. And flippin’ hilarious, as well. Seriously. Although I don’t think my post-partnum blues were even on the same scale as hers, I cannot tell you how connected I felt as I was reading about her struggles (and triumphs!). I found myself nodding in agreement, laughing out loud, and even crying a little with her. (I know, big surprise, right? See#5 up there!) I finished it in one day. Granted, I am a really fast reader, but it is one of those kinds of books that you want to keep reading to see what is going to happen, but you don’t ever want it to end because you are enjoying the ride too much. Highly recommended. Plus her dog, Chuck, is just darn cute.

7. So, we just got Addie’s forehead healed up, I don’t know…I couldn’t tell you what she did, but she had a pretty little cut up there. She was supposed to be “resting” this afternoon and she calls down, “Mama, I think I have a little bump on my head.” So she comes down to show me and…UM….


Yeah, so that is not a little bump! Can you see it? Underneath the lovely purple bruise and cut? A big ol’ goose egg. I tried to figure out how she did it, and I still can’t tell you how it all went down. Apparently she was trying to get a new dress out of her closet and had a run-in with the hanger and closet bar? I don’t know. Again.

I do know that it goes together so beautifully with her purple/pink stained hands…


I do know how she got those, though. She apparently painted her hands at school. Of course. Crazy kid.

8. I just had to (like, right this minute!) check the earthquake site, because it felt a little shaky in the living room here. But, I am either deliriously dizzy from hunger – or a large truck just rumbled by. The site doesn’t seem to think it was a quakey quake.

Nonetheless, I’m going to go get some dinner cereal (mmm…the best kind!) and check to make sure our earthquake supplies are not too buried in the garage.

And I’ll leave you with another of my favorite photos from the park (and the new lens!)…


14 thoughts on “A little of this and that.

  1. Great photographs!!!

    And Addie is just so cute….so innocently trying to dress up during quiet time…. :) SWEETIE!!

  2. That last shot should be big in a playroom somewhere. Have fun with your new lens. Can’t wait to see more.

    And ouch! Natalya had a mystery injury once a long time ago. It came out few months later how it happened. The guilt got the best of her.

    I don’t watch Grey’s but I keep hearing lots of wow going on. I’m so behind on tv that my dvr is at about 4% space left.

  3. OMG, these shots are beautiful!!! Very professional!

    I DID see Grey’s and it was, wow, it gave me goosebumps. I didn’t cry but it gave me goosebumps. However, the episode a couple weeks ago, the one where the little girl died, I bawled my eyes out. I was sitting here at my desk (shhh!) bawling my eyeballs out. I hate that about me!

  4. “Eeeeee” is right!!! Looks like that lens was a darn good choice. Dang but those are some gorgeous captures. I need something to reignite my camera love affair. I’ve barely touched it in two weeks.

    Congrats to J! What ARE earthquake supplies?? I have Dooce’s book on my to-read list. Oh, and I’m a season behind with Grey’s but I’m dying to watch this big finale after all I’ve heard about it!

  5. Incredible…I’m so jealous of your lens (and your talent!). We’re about 4 episodes behind on Grey’s, but I hear it’s one we need to prepare for. I haven’t told my wife because she wont’ watch it if she thinks it’s going to make her cry.

    Looking forward to seeing some more fantastic shots now that you got your mojo back (didn’t realize it was gone…your shots are always incredible).

  6. Congrats to J!

    YOu are rockin’ that new lens! What a great birthday present! I have been taking lots of pics lately but not feeling very inspired. I need a new camera, since it feels like mine is getting a bit soft. *sigh* Christmas maybe??

  7. Oh my gosh! I’m all caught up with you! Okay, maybe a little jealous of the new lens! Those shots are incredible. I may rent a lens early next week for a newborn (well he’s a preemie born in Jan.) shoot. Cross your fingers for me!

    That bump! Ouch! Makes me cringe just looking at it! Congrats to J on the promotion! I didn’t see Greys, but got the recap and I’m all caught up on Lost. Speaking of, that’s today’s post at Pierce Baby Project: http://piercebabyproject.blogspot.com/2009/05/lost-locke.html

    On another note, I have a domain name! Right now it’s pointed to my Smugmug account. WooHoo!

    Eek-gad! I better get ready to get into the office!

  8. Those pictures are incredible. It makes me not want to take pictures because mine would just be embarrassing. The tricycle makes me think of those motivational posters, I’m just not creative enough to come up with the motivational saying.

  9. Congrats on the new lens and to J’s promotion. That’s awesome. There’s nothing like getting a new lens to reignite your photography passion. I absolutely love the sunflower shot and that tricycle shot is simply amazing. I am a bit of a sucker for some flair.

  10. Congratulation to Jamie. I love the pictures, they look so real…..Poor Addie, it looks really bad, give her a kiss from Nana.
    Love to all of you

  11. Congratulations to James!!!!!! I have that same lens – have used it more than any other, I think. We had our Camera Club banquet last night and I think your macros could have given our people a run for their money!
    Poor Addy – kisses from Aunt Carol (and Emma too, of course, ‘cept she didn’t wrestle with a hanger)

  12. Congrats to J on the promotion — what a great accomplishment!! And congrats to you on your new lens — you are doing great work with it already…wow!!

    I know what you mean about a camera coma…I finally went to the arboretum with the boys the other day for the first time this year…and I forgot how much I have missed it!

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