Wait…what day is it?

Try to explain to a 3-year old what a “holiday” is, what a president does, who George Washington was, and why the gym is really packed the days people don’t have to work. All of this as we are running into the gym (late!), so I can try to make it to spin class and work off all the junk I ate this weekend.

Cripes, this parenting stuff is getting harder by the day.

I remember that I was going to be that mom that stopped and patiently explained the answer to whatever question my child asked me. Ha. Ha. HA! That is such a funny line. Just typing it makes gives me a stitch in my side.

The other night Emma asked:

E: What is that hang-y down thing in your throat is called?
Me: Um, I don’t remember. Why?
E: I just want to know what to call it.
Me: (Remembering my promise…)Um, well, how about we will look it up tomorrow?
E: Ok, because when the whale swallowed Nemo’s Dad, you could see it and Dory tried to hold on to it, and….(blah, blah, blah – the story continued on there. I guiltily confess, my listening did not.)
Me: (Thanks, Pixar. Couldn’t include that little fact into your cute little fish movie?) Ok, we’ll figure it out tomorrow.

The next day the elusive word for the “hangy down thing” came to me (epiglottis, in case anyone is interested) and I was so excited to tell Em. After I told her, she just stared at me like, “Um…great. What are you talking about, again?” Clearly the moment was gone and I had missed a prime teaching opportunity.

Figures. Why didn’t I just go out and look it up when she asked?? Is this what I have to look forward to for the next 16 years? You can just call me “always a day late…”

0 thoughts on “Wait…what day is it?

  1. Oh, yes!! I’m right there with you that I was ALWAYS going to stop and listen to every word my kids said and explain everything to them and as I sit here typing this (mind you I stopped reading the entry probably 6 times b/c Carter wouldn’t let up and insisted I answer him) Carter is asking me if ogres are real or dead, what is a magic pebble, and informing me that dragons are ONLY in fairy tales. Sometimes I can get away with half listening, but more times than not I might as well listen and be allowed to move along with my day. Oh, here he comes now telling me about a computer game we play. And I know you are as amazied as I am at what they come up with and half the time we’re left wondering how they even put it all together. Good Luck, someday we’ll have teenagers and then we’ll know nothing!!

  2. I know exactly what you mean…the other day my 4 year old asked me something and I told him I had the answer but I couldn’t get it out of my head right away. He said, “Mommy, its stuck in there with all those songs you know”.

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