Crafty Tuesday

Surely everyone has been creating some amazing Christmas crafts, baking…the works, right? Although finding the time to photograph and write about it, that may be another story.

I have three more kidlets to add to my creative portfolio. These ones were made last week for my best friend Kimmer’s cuties – her oldest, who happens to be my godchild turned 9 today (Monday). If finding another gray hair last week didn’t make me feel old enough – that fact definitely does! At any rate I hope you had a great birthday, Shealyn!

These were actually for Christmas gifts. Each one of them has a different flaw, but I also learned something new from each of them as well. I have 5 more to make as Christmas gifts tomorrow. I figure by the time I get around to making ones for Em and Ad I should have all the kinks worked out. Possibly.




My sewing machine has been humming along non-stop today. I also fixed a bunch of costumes for our Christmas pageant. Mary and the Star-bearer both needed alterations, I had to re-structure and re-elasticize 15 sets of angel wings, and make a new cow costume. I should have had J. take a photo while I modeled the cow getup for him earlier. Or I should have taken a photo of him when I asked “Hey, do I look like a cow?”

The sheer terror on his face. I think he said something to the effect of, “Um…I am not exactly sure how to answer that.” (He then said that it was a good cow costume, although Addie keeps saying it looks like a dalmatian puppy, “like the 3001 Dalmatians, Mama!”)

Anyhow, the costumes are in a heap in my dining room, but I’m too exhausted to even go photograph them. Usually I have to post-date my posts for the next morning, but unfortunately…it is just about the “next” morning. So I’m going to go fall into bed, I can’t wait to see what goodies you all post tomorrow morning.

12 thoughts on “Crafty Tuesday

  1. OK…I have to ask…what is a kidlet????? Whatever they are, (and I am guessing they’re for hanging over the back of seats or car seats) they are delicious! The kids will love em.
    I am about to get crafty…Christmas Eve…and make cakes and treats…perhaps I will post later?

  2. bean made some cute crafts as christmas presents but sadly since the plague is making itself comfortable at our house (and our inlaws house, oooops!) i have no picutres to show. maybe next week everyone will be healthy.
    i love the kidlets!

  3. Those bags are just too adorable! I am so going to steal your idea and make some of my own…but I promise, when anyone asks, I will tell them I learned it all from you!

  4. Yep, even notoriously non-crafty me has been busy lately! But of course no pics. :o ) You have been REALLY busy and productive! The “kidlets” are adorable (and Melody’s right about Etsy!) but I’m really impressed about all the costume work you’ve been doing. You productive types make me feel lazy…

  5. Oh, those are lovely presents! Great job and you sure have been busy! You’ve already been over at my place so you saw I have nothing to share today. I didn’t really get anything photographed, plus I’m on vacation LOL!

    Oh, and LOL about you asking J if you looked like a cow…any man should have a look of sheer terror! ;)

  6. Wow, those kidlets are impressive! I printed out the instructions that you sent over but my printer went awry, so I haven’t had a chance to reprint and pull out the machine to sew!

  7. Pingback: Crafty Tuesday « Barely Controlled Chaos

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