Gone Fishin’

Addie got a fishy tank from Nana and Papa for her birthday. She wanted one so she could be “just like Emma,” of course. I found this really cool Ariel one that I thought she would flip over. And she did, but it is about half the size of Emma’s and for some reason requires about four times the amount of cleaning.  Emma has had her tank for 7 or 8 months and I have cleaned it…once. Addie has had hers since September, so what? Three months or so? And it has been cleaned probably four times already.

But she does love having the tank, so that makes it worth it, right?

Anyhow, for the past week every time I walk by her tank I can smell the fishy-ness and tell Addie “we have to clean your tank tomorrow!”

Yesterday was the day. Addie decided she was going to help me and use the net to “caught my fish!”

She did really well getting the fish out of the tank, scooped it up on the first try. (Note: A little foreshadowing here…)


Here she is safe and sound with not too much trouble, although it looks like Addie may have scared a little something out of her there…


Clean tank, time to go back home…


And, she makes a break for it…or she got dumped, I was too busy taking photos to see what happened.


I did however bare-hand poor little fishy back into nice clean tank…and she seems just fine.


No fish were harmed in the filming of this blog entry.

Addie however has told Emma several times today, “and then Mama scooped the fishy back into the tank. Next time I think Mama should use the net to caught my fish!”

The fish may not have been harmed, but Ad. may be a tiny bit traumatized by the whole ordeal.

12 thoughts on “Gone Fishin’

  1. That’s an awesome tank. We used to have a fish tank for the kids but we never put it up again after we moved. Maybe that would be a good Christmas present for the kids. Hmm….

    I’m glad little fishy was okay after it’s little trip. Does the fish have a name?


  2. Becky -
    Honestly I have no idea what the fish’s name is this week. It started out as Catherine, but that is Emma’s fish’s name so Em would protest every time Addie said it. Then it changed to Lily (which was Em’s old fish’s name) and now it is Lizzy? Or it was last week. Next week it will be whatever Em’s new favorite name is…

  3. that little fishy is looking slightly traumatized! LOL! I would be too if I found myself suddenly flopping around on the floor. i plan to get fish for our fish tank to put in Harrison’s room of the the first of the year. I can’t wait!

  4. Aw, poor fishy. But, I am so proud of Addie wanting to help and you letting her! She’ll improve each time I know it!

  5. oh! poor fishy!
    and adorable pictures. :)

    he/she isn’t as bad off as bean’s fish. we’ve had three sets of fish. they don’t do well here and we aren’t sure why. well, i know why the last one died- we didn’t have power for 3 days and it sees he liked/needed to have air. sorry buddy, not our fault i swear! i’m not sure if we are going to try again or not.
    oh, bean’s fish had a new name every couple of days too!

  6. Oh dear, poor little fishy! But since he survived this, now he needs to know to watch out for the lotion. ;)

    “I was too busy taking photos to see what happened.” Ummm, yeah – I can relate!

  7. Poor fish! Ha looks like it survived though! My little brother once stuck his hand in the fish tank to pet the two fish in there. The tank fell on the ground with the fish. The fish survived somehow!

  8. The pictures are awesome, I am glad the fish is ok. You were saying how you have the clean the tank so often, that’s because it is so small. The bigger the tank the less maintenance. We have a 55 gallon that is as clear as day and it only gets cleaned out about every5-6 months.

  9. hee hee hee…. poor little fishy.
    I said something to Lauren the other day about getting a fish for Christmas because she always wants to look at the fish at Meijer. She said, “why would I get a fish? I don’t have a fish tank or anything.

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