I feel the earth move…

…under my feet. Literally.

Yes, we definitely felt the “earthshake” (as Emma calls it) today. We are all fine, in fact I don’t think there have been any injuries anywhere reported yet. But let me tell you, it is one of the “trippy-est” (Is that really a word?) things I have ever felt.

They are speculating that the epicenter was in Chino, which is actually about 30 miles east of where we live, and where the girls and I were when it happened. But J. said they felt it and evacuated their building and he is another 25-30 miles further away than we are. They said the earthquake was felt as far away as San Diego and Las Vegas. Trippy, I tell you!

The girls and I were actually in the pool at swim lessons. I didn’t really realize what was going on until I looked up at my friend who was out of the pool and she looked like she was kind of shaking and I saw the fence behind her rattling. And then there was a really loud “BOOM” and I turned to look at the parking lot to see if anything was happening to the cars, I truthfully, thought it was a bomb or some sort of explosion. And as I was turning back towards the steps the bottom of the pool seemed to tilt. I was holding Addie and could feel that more of her body was underwater, and the pool sort of “sloshed” around a little bit.

I hopped out of the pool with Addie and made a beeline over to the other edge to get Emma where they were evacuating all of the kids and Emma was just so mad!

E: “But why do we have to get out of the pool, Mama? Our swim class isn’t over? We didn’t get to do our jumps from the side of the pool!”
M: “We are having an earthquake, Em. We need to get someplace safe.”
E: “And then can we go back into the pool?”

The girl has a one track mind!

Anyhow, besides a few end tables moved around and some pictures toppled over – nothing was broken and we are all just fine. I am heading to Target and getting the rest of the things on my Emergency Kit list that I’ve been putting off, though. Right. Now.

0 thoughts on “I feel the earth move…

  1. I’m glad that you guys are alright — how scary! I am unfazed by tornadoes, but just the thought of an earthquake close to home gives me the willies.

  2. OK, so where is “someplace safe”? What is it that you do in an earthquake? That would be weird. We live near a quarry and sometimes feel the aftershock of the blast. Scares me everytime.

  3. So glad you are all okay! We had 2 “earth shakes” when we lived in California – and yes – TRIPPY totally describes it. It’s a weird pattern if you were to map out who felt it the most….lots of things impact that!

    Melissa was just a baby and I had just put her in bed between the two of us when holy cow – felt like a giant had grabbed ahold of the corner of the building and just started shaking!!

    Get that emergency kit finished- it is incredible what peace of mind you have when that is in place!!!

    Again – so HAPPY to hear that you are all fine!!

  4. ooh weird! i’ve never experienced an “earthshake” and i’m pretty sure i don’t want to!

    glad everything is ok!!

  5. Whew…thanks for the post. Have no fear, check the blog lines. We were a little worried about you here in Michigan!! Love you. Glad to know you’re all okay.

  6. Glad you guys are okay. I have always wondered what it would feel like if you were in water! Scary!

  7. I had to check in with you…so glad you posted!! Wow! Glad everyone is alright, and I bet that was really wierd to be in the pool when it happened.

  8. I felt it too! my older brother and I were on one couch and the smaller brothers on another, by the time we realized there was an earthquake and had gotten to my little brothers it was over.

  9. Glad you are all safe.. Did you get the emergency kit together? Hope so.
    Love to all

  10. Oh Carrie! That is so freaky. I’m so glad you’re all okay. I have never been anywhere near an earthquake, and I hope I never am – the though freaks me out more than any other natural disaster. And I had somehow never thought about the SOUND of an earthquake. Freaky indeed!

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