The fly did it.

So, I am in the kitchen pulling the cookies out of the oven and return to the living room and see Addie holding a throw pillow over the window.

M: “Addie what are you doing?”
A: “There is a fly on the window, Mama.”

Meanwhile, Emma goes flying over to the other side of the room.

M: “Well, let me get the fly.”

And I pull away the pillow and see this…

Not a fly…and it isn’t a spider web either. That is a broken pane of glass, my friends. One of the panes of glass in one of the windows that I think is original to the house. Which, remember, was built in the 1920s. This isn’t going to be cheap.


M: “What happened to the window?” (Trying to control my voice so it didn’t come out all shriek-y like it was sounding in my head.)

Silence. Crickets…chirp, chirp.

M: “What happened to the window, who broke it? Emma? Addison?”
A: “I sink (think) it was the fly, Mama!”
M: “No, I don’t think it was a fly, Addison. Emma?”
E: “I don’t know, Mama? I didn’t do it!”
M: “YOU didn’t do it?!” (Starting to get a little shriek-ier here…)

Emma just starts full on crying. “I didn’t do it!”

M: “Why don’t you go sit on the steps until you can tell me what happened.”

About five minutes later she comes in and says:

E: “Well, there was a fly, and I couldn’t find the flyswatter.”
M: “Yes?”
E: “And so I hit it.”
M: “With what? Your hand?”
E: “No. My tennis racket.”

Of course. A tennis racket. What else would you use?

0 thoughts on “The fly did it.

  1. Who knew that tennis rackets were not meant for killing flies! They do look similar to a giant flyswatter.

    Oh my goodness!!!! I hope it’s not too expensive to replace!

    Someday, you’ll look back on this and laugh. “Remember the time you used the tennis racket as a flyswatter?”

    Perhaps it’s time to ditch the flyswatters and opt for the sticky fly tape.

    Hang in there!

  2. Please know I’m not laughing at the situation, but the deadpan wit with which you relayed the situation did cause a hearty chuckle to come bubbling forth.

    I too hope the restoration of said window is able to taken care of quickly (and inexpensively)!

  3. Oh no!

    That is pretty funny though – and I have to give the girl credit, a tennis racquet does look like a fly swatter…

    But still, it’s no fun to have to replace a window…ick!

  4. ok, a broken window isn’t funny BUT that story is. i’m sitting here giggling… she used a tennis racket! he he!

    how the window doesn’t cost too much!

  5. oh, no care :o ( I know you’re not even remotely laughing now, but I trul hope you do someday. C & P bowled with shoes and boots in the breezeway one time and put out a window in a door. I know it’s not the same thing, but I laugh at it now. HUGS to momma!

  6. You controlled yourself pretty well, Carrie. I’m not the best at controlling my mouth when they whole breaking things. Hopefully it won’t be too bad, all they have to do is just replace a pane of glass. Ah, kids! I bet she won’t do that again, though.

  7. Will you be mad if I said I am laughing outloud?

    I agree with Amanda – the situation isn’t what caused the laughter – but your delivery of said incident!

    I think the shrieky voice would have come out of my mouth – bravo to you!

  8. PS – isn’t a fly swatter just a baby tennis raquet? looks like it could be!

  9. Deep breaths, Mama – I am impressed at your control! Very very bad situation….but very, very funny story. I have a feeling that little fly might be blamed for a lot more in the coming days…

  10. Oh, how funny….that fly never stood a chance! (At this point I am hearing music from “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”)

  11. I didn’t think that they had flys (or any other pests) in California.

    I think I could refer you to a handiman that would be glad to fix said window for a very REASONABLE rate, with only the cost of a plane fare necessary to get him there.

    I love Addie’s response, as usual.

  12. Carrie……….. you are so good. You handled the situation SOOO well ……..much better than I would have! You are an amazing Mom. I love the way you wrote it . It made me laugh so hard that I cried.

    Both of them are so fantastic……. I love the way that Addie was covering for Em!
    Sending hugs,
    P.S. I wish I knew a good glass person……….

  13. hahahahahahahahahahhahaa
    sorry I can’t breathe

    People around here have come running to ask what is so funny….

  14. At least she came clean.


    Loved the cruise pics. We really had fun on ours 2 years ago…yes, the service was unbelievable.

    Is there somewhere we can hire someone like that to wait on US hand and foot at home?

    Let me know if you find out…

  15. Pingback: The Punishment « Barely Controlled Chaos

  16. Oh Man!!!! A nice little giggle for me before bed. Let’s see… if they’re five now….. shouldn’t they start thinking things through by the time they’re 8 or 9? so we only have a few more years of swatting flies with tennis rackets. :-) Thank God, I don’t have a tennis racket in my house.

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