Eye-Opening ~ Best Shot Monday

I just realized that within the last six days, she has made me sob in frustration and she has nearly pushed me to the brink, but she has also made me tear up with pride, and howl with laughter.

I know I’m hard on her. I always expect more, and the best, from her. She pushes my buttons faster than you can say “Time-out. Now!” And I often forget that she is only six – that she is still a little girl.

But then I get a glimpse of her through the eyes of one of my friends. And my eyes are opened. Singing Taylor Swift into a spatula at the top of her lungs in the middle of the kitchen. Helping the younger kids as they all dance around. My friend looks at me through teary eyes and says, “She is awesome. That is the sweetest thing!” And then I look, I mean really look at her.

And then, I wonder. What other little moments do I just take for granted each day? What else am I missing as I’m impatiently asking her to do something for the tenth time? What will I miss the most when she is all grown up and gone?

I just need to be reminded that every bit of drama that comes with having a six-year old girl, is rewarded two-fold with love and fun.

I’m vowing to head into this week with my eyes wide open. I don’t want to miss a thing.

belly laughs


11 thoughts on “Eye-Opening ~ Best Shot Monday

  1. This post is so timely for me. I was just looking through photos of Bryce as a baby and thinking how I would do anything to go back and spend more time with him at that age. A year from now I’ll be thinking the same about today. Each day is a gift. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Darn it Carrie. There you go again making me cry at work. It seems like you do this to me at least once a week. I can so relate to your post. I feel the EXACT same way about Harper. I expect so much from her and often forget she IS only 5. I think I will head into this week with my eyes wide open too. Thanks for the reminder.

    P.S. I LOVE your new header. So cute.

  3. You know, you get on her and punish her in the hopes that one day she’ll look back know that you did it all FOR her not against her. I do it too.

  4. Oh goodness…I hear ya on that. They know how to push our buttons, so we get angry, but we need to step back and really look at them. Thanks for the reminder. :)

  5. Well said. I think we all have those moments where we forget they are kids. I too expect more from my oldest (who is 3 1/2) and at times feel like we are way to hard on him. Thanks for the reminder to step back.
    Beautiful shot as always, I love the mood that you capture in your photos.

  6. Wow. Echoing all the others here – what a great post, I needed this reminder to step back and enjoy things just as they are now. “Now” is pretty great!

  7. So very true. We miss so much… even when it’s right in front of us. It’s a blessing to have someone else draw your attention to what you might be missing.

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